Iris Pictures produced this 30-second promotional video advertisement to showcase a flash sale offered by Pole Sisters during their spring campaign. This promotional video offers a glimpse into the fun bonding effect of women working-out with women and focus on the effects on the overall health and well-being of Pole Sister’s clients. This was one of three videos produced from one video shoot session of two hours.

How to get your own video campaign?

Running a video campaign is an art and not a science. What this means is it requires ongoing tweaking and monitoring to see what works and what doesn’t. The good news is that one video shoot can produce multiple videos and each video can be edited according to how audiences respond. Is the beginning too long? No problem. It can be chopped into a tighter introduction. This is the art of editing and it takes time to get it right! We have decades of experience fine-tuning what works and doesn’t work — our sensors or so strong that when editing together, we both cry out at this same time “cut here!” or “transition there!”